Take Five Steps With Us

We know that financial planning can seem daunting and we often see people putting it off for that reason. In the end, we’re talking about major life decisions, so in a sense, it should seem daunting.

 But like anything else, the way to move forward is to break it down to key steps and get each of those right. It’s not about predicting the rest of your life. You can’t and you shouldn’t try. What you can do instead is plan intelligently. To do that, you just need to get five steps right and you don’t need to do it alone.


First, we understand…

None of this works unless you know who you really are, what really matters and what you want to achieve. We need to understand this too, so that’s where we start. It’s not just about goals and dreams, it’s about worries and concerns too. We need to work together to get a complete grasp of your situation.


Next, we prioritise…

When we know what you’re looking to achieve, we’ll start to get it into an order that makes sense. Some things you can do now, others you can start laying the groundwork for with a view to getting them done in the long term. Together we’ll work out how to deploy your resources to where they’ll do the most good.

Then we plan…

Once we know what we’re working with and where you want to go, it’s time to start planning for real. We’ll build you a Lifetime Cashflow Model that shows the money you can expect to see coming in and out over your lifetime. We’ll also look openly and honestly at how you really feel about risk and we’ll put together the right financial and investment strategy for you.

We take action…

Once your plan is in place, it’s our job to help you carry it out. We’re the professionals and it’s for us to set the strategy we’ve built together in motion, but we’re also here to make sure you stick to the plan in future. It’s not always easy, but consistency, patience and calm really do pay off over the years.

…and we follow it up

To go back to our healthy eating analogy, it’s not always easy. Financial planning takes discipline. But it doesn’t have to be boring – what you’ll have is a structured, ambitious, but achievable plan to take you from the life you have now, to the life you really want. We’ll regularly check in to make sure it’s still right for you and that you’re sticking to it. That way however your circumstances may change and whatever the future brings, your plan is always focussed on your goals.

First steps

We’ll leave you with a handy illustration of some key things to think about.

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Getting yourself straight on these key ideas is your first step to intelligent financial planning.

Your next step is to contact us to see how we can turn these ideas into a financial plan for life. We’d love to chat through your goals and see how we could help you to reach them.


Richard Achieves Top Global Financial Planning Standard


Smart Financial Planning