Step 5: Many Happy Returns | Your Handy Guide to Planning for the Future

We believe that there’s more to life than money. That’s why when we help our clients plan for retirement, the focus is always on how much fun you can pack into your retirement years, rather than just how much cash you can accumulate in the bank. It’s a holistic approach that we think you’ll value and respect.

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To get a complete picture of your wealth, you’ll also need to think about what returns you’ll get from your investments. Everyone’s portfolio is different and the markets are changing all the time, so you may need to make some assumptions and add in a broad figure here – or enlist some help to really get a grip on how your investments are performing.

“Financial planning has allowed us both to organise our money so that we can enjoy the benefit of it as we move to big decisions like retirement.”

– Jon, Financial Planning Client

When it comes to investing, we believe it’s something you have to stick at. Just like losing weight or mastering a new skill, it takes discipline and patience. We work to a few simple investment rules – hold a broadly diversified portfolio, keep the costs down and don’t mess around with it. Whatever happens, just hold it through thick and thin. These rules aren’t just something we’ve made up. They’re based on academic research and real evidence – and they work! 

Basically, if you’re investing for the long-term, the less you do, the more likely you are to see a good return. Mess around with your investments too much and that’s when you’re likely to see their performance suffer. 

“I wanted to be a lot more in control and have the opportunity to control decisions and scenarios and understand the impact.” 

– Jane, Retirement Planning Client 

Stay tuned for ‘Step 6: Cashing In’.

If you can’t wait that long and would like to read the series in full right now, you can download the entire guide here.

We’re raring to go, so why not give us a call today?

We’d love to hear what the future looks like to you and find out whether we’re the right fit to help you get there. 

Contact us at or call us on 01327 354321 to start the conversation.


Step 6: Cashing In | Your Handy Guide to Planning for the Future


Market Commentary July 2020