Spotlight on Davina Bowmer, Client Support

This month’s candidate for Team Spotlight is none other than Davina Bowmer, one of our client support team.

Davina started working in financial services in 1990. She was asked to help out for a while at Fortitude in 2006, and is still here fourteen years later. Davina leads a busy life both in and out of work – we’ll let her tell you all about it in her own words.


Hello Davina! Let’s get started: please describe the kind of work you do in three words.

Fee reconciliation. 


Very succinct. What's been your proudest moment at Fortitude Financial Planning to date?   

There isn’t just one moment. I’m proud of the fact that we continue to improve how we deliver Financial Planning whilst not forgetting to support those providing it.


That answer has been more common than you think – it shows a real synergy within the team. What keeps you busy when you’re not working?

I volunteer a lot. The main roles I undertake are with Northamptonshire Carers, one of which is helping to run a monthly lunch club. I also organise a regular working party to maintain our local Pocket Park and I’m a Group Scout Leader.

I find being a Group Scout Leader really rewarding, as the members join as 6-year-olds, move through the sections, and leave at 14 years of age with a whole load of skills for life which are taught by some fantastic individuals. 


How amazing! There’s something really special about being a part of a young person’s learning and development. What a wholesome set of activities you have.

Davina, tell us the quote or phrase that goes through life with you.

“Always do your best” – nobody can ask more of you than that.


True words. Where is the most interesting place you've been?

I’d have to say the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The preservation of the ordinary after such devastation is amazing, and you really get a sense of what it would have been like to be there.


We agree – it’s truly a marvel. Davina, who is your hero and why?

My heroes are a pair – my parents. Their never-ending support and their sacrifices are what enabled my sister and me to live the lives we now have.


And finally, if you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?

Think before you speak!


Excellent advice. Thank you, Davina.

Next time we’ll be talking to Sam Colby Butcher, one of our Financial Planners.


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