Intelligent, insightful, independent

Since 2002 we’ve been helping our clients to lead the lives they really want, with confidence and clarity about the future and peace of mind about how their wealth is managed.

We’re independent, which means we’re free to assess the full range of products and providers available, then use our experience to tailor the right approach for you. But while we’re accomplished in the processes and practicalities, Fortitude is based on a set of core values that run much deeper.

Our values

‘Kai’ (change) and ‘Zen’ (good)

‘Kai’ (change) and ‘Zen’ (good)

We didn’t choose our name on a whim – fortitude really matters. Financial planning is a long-term undertaking, with ups and downs along the way. Through it all we need to have the courage of our own convictions, to help you to stick to yours.

We believe in trust and we absolutely believe in fairness. We can’t be your adviser if we’re not completely open and honest with you, and we can’t help you to realise your vision of the future if you’re not comfortable sharing it.

But we also value something called ‘Kaizen’. It’s a Japanese concept that translates loosely as ‘continuous improvement’, but that doesn’t quite do it justice.

Kaizen is the pursuit of continually evaluating and raising the bar in everything we do, every day, across every part of the organisation – the way we communicate, the way we interact with you, the qualifications our team members hold and the service we provide.

Our values are really important, they show you what we’re about, but they’re also essential for us. They’re the guiding lights of our service, the foundation of our faith in each other and the basis of our ability to work as a team.

 Our journey

Fortitude’s journey has been a long and rewarding one.
Here’s a quick glance over where we’ve come from, as we continue to shape where we’re going.

Our latest client survey results




Of clients believe that working with us has helped or will help them achieve their financial goals

Of clients would recommend us to their friends, family or colleagues

Of clients were satisfied that we understand their needs and objectives